Friday, September 17, 2010


Since my last post:

  • I have been hospitalized again, this time for Asthma-Pneumonia combo. I stayed longer in the hospital this time than the last and the tests run on me were more or less the same except for Arterial Blood Gas which truly was a bitch. Didn't matter that they took only about 10cc of blood, it still hurt three hours after the blood was drawn.
  • Also, during my last 48 hours in the hospital, they took off my IV, which I was thankful for because my veins can only handle it for 1.5 days, then they would need to transfer it from one hand to the other because my hand/veins get so swollen.
  • They took off the IV, but they left the needle (I think it's just plastic) stuck in my hand, with a cork-like material screwed on top of it so they could still give me my meds intravenously. It looked and felt like I had a giant splinter on my hand which hurt like hell everytime I would accidentally pull it or bump it against something. They injected meds as thick as kiddie cough syrup. So many times I wanted to cry each time the nurses appeared with my meds in the syringe. :p
  • I was discharged on a Sunday evening and was armed with a wad of papers which listed down all my prescription meds with separate instructions on how and when to take it. I guess one would need that if one were given 25 pieces of meds to take each day. I'm sorry, Liver. This doesn't make me a Liver-lover, boy.
  • I always feel very weak for days after I am released from the hospital. Is that normal or is it just me?
  • I quit smoking. I have not had a cigarette for 19 days. I don't crave it which is odd because I've been smoking since I was 18. I hope I am able to keep this up for good.
  • Let me tell you that I crave the weirdest food lately, and that I get very annoyed when I am unable to sink my teeth on it for days. The list includes: Pixie's Bangus, Mc Donald's Double Cheeseburger, Becky's Kitchen Swiss Choco Cake, Aglio Olio Anchoyy Pasta, Green Leafy Salad, Fresh Fruit Juices, etc etc.
  • Bought brown rice out of curiosity. It's not so bad. It takes longer to cook and kind of tastes like you're eating bloated oatmeal :p
  • Also switched to drinking Alkaline water because of Terrie. Now my whole family drinks it, too. Could be good for us since my Mom and I take coffee almost everyday. Balance the acidity and all that jazz.
  • Been on YM almost everyday to talk with Jude, who is also almost always at home resting because of her pregnancy.
  • Did basic standing and forward yoga poses again yesterday after such a long time, so now my legs are painful.
  • Had dinner with Nadine, Dianne, and Raymond last night at my favorite, Yedang, where I stuffed my face with green leafies and mushroom soup. So good, I can eat that every night for dinner. :)
  • Received a wonderful gift from Penny in the mail, which made my whole week. :) Thanks, Peng. I will never outgrow Judy Blume.

That's about it lately. I jumped from Blurty to Livejournal to Multiply. LJ was closest to my heart, but I'm giving Blogspot a try. Here's hoping I get to blog more often. :)

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