Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thoughts when one is left alone in Starbucks

Early this week, I was in Starbucks waiting for a meeting to begin.It was very early in the morning and I was not really thinking of anything in particular. Just enjoying my alone time before work begins. There are few people in other tables and it was quiet, just the quiet tapping on keyboards in laptops, the sound of the espresso machine. Nothing else really. It was a beautiful, quiet moment.

Out of nowhere, I just thought about him. I know there is nothing left and everyone has moved on. But I just remembered his voice and the good times we had. And I kind of missed him. Not the aching kind of missing. Just simply thought about him, with no pressing desire to see him or talk with him again. We are after all, oceans away from each other. And I wouldn't really know what to say if we actually saw each other again. Things are better left like it is.

Really no point in this entry. Just to say, after several months, and knowing now that we live in different time zones, I thought about you that morning.